


God's Design

It never fails to amaze me when I see the beauty of the garden. The anticipation of waiting for a seed to germinate and emerge as a seedling. Then growing into something more beautiful than you can ever imagine. You see, God designed each and every plant to make seeds to produce more of itself. I love that a cucumber seed will never give you a tomato plant. A tomato seed will never grow into a bell pepper. God didn't design it that way.  


"There are no mistakes in gardening, only experiments." - Janet Kilburn Phillips

 I think I spent more time outside last garden season, than I ever have. I've never really considered myself an outdoors kind of person. Sure I went camping occasionally, but I'm not a fan of bugs period! Yes, I have three boys and one is still fascinated with bugs. I've learned as a new gardener, that certain bugs can be beneficial to the garden, so let's say, we tolerate each other. I don't bother them, they don't bother me. Mostly..... 

I am so excited for this garden season. I am trying so hard to be patient. The weather is being stubborn and it's so hard to wait. I don't want to transplant all of my hard work just yet, because I know one freeze will kill it all. The garden is my happy place. I already have snap peas, lettuce and a few herbs that tolerate colder temps out in the garden. Stay tuned to see all of the exciting tomato varieties we are growing this year. 

Until next time, 

Be Blessed!

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